
Cream Ale
Posted under Beer on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 @ 11:00:52 PM
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today's brew was a brewer's best cream ale extract kit.

starting off, here's the kit:

sterilizing everything:

gear, ingredients and instructions laid out:

measuring water for the boil:

boiling water (my new propane burner works great):

my helper decided to pay me a visit:

boiling wort after the first hop addition:

end of the boil:

i can never quite tell what the damn hydrometer says (i need glasses).  it looks to me like 1.048 or 1.049.  target og is 1.049-1.053.

into the primary:

i love blog articles with lots of pictures.  they're quick and easy!

update 3/12 @ 7 pm - the airlock is going like a sonovabitch now!

update 3/28 - kegged and chilled yesterday, abv came in right around 5.4% which is just right.  force carbed today and just had my first glass.  very impressed with this kit thus far.  i was a bit worried it would be too much like american macro lagers but it's definitely not.  it's got a great flavor and seems like a good session beer, which is just what i was hoping for.  i think i'll be doing this kit again.